Latasha Writes...

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Born to Write

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Seeing Through the Shadow into the (Wo)Man in the Mirror

Facing our own truth is the only way to overcome all adversity from within and outside ourselves.

Who are we and what do we really want in this life experience?

The answer lies within our own shadow or hidden selves. There also dwells the characters that we refuse to examine or change. Once we see us for who really are we can begin to change for the better. Peel away the false illusions or facades driven by the ego and come face to face with the shadow self or (wo) man in the mirror, which allows us to see through the world into what is real and important.
Do this by acknowledging the way you interpret the world, and define your dreams and desires.

No one can change another unless they want to change. We are all responsible for our own individual change. The world naturally enfolds to the rhythm of every individual choice.

Break the barriers and surpass false limitations by embracing the truth of self through self-awareness. Once you acknowledge the truth about who you are, all the world's veils become lifted and you are the seer of all truth because it dwells in you.

How can you accomplish this?

Start by trusting your feelings and instincts and recognize not only who you are but where you are and where you really want to be. Also see the greatness in the present and know that you are always whole as an individual and that you always have the choice to be happy. Have faith that there is a blessing behind every situation and circumstance.

Finally, spend time alone away from everyday distractions and just be. What comes to mind, how do you feel, and what inspires you to your core? The answer to these questions can only be found in the real you, the shadow (wo)man in the mirror.

© 2012 Latasha Woods