Emotional Freedom
Let go. Fully abandon the crippling emotions that connect to fear. Let go of trying to control outer circumstance. Do not be afraid to soar. As you let go of the emotion, it will affect the mental and physical world, which is reflected through your actions based on choice. The mind helps regulate the emotions through visualization. What many of us must know is that the battle ground begins in the emotions and not the mind or the body. Emotions are the radar for intuition because it resonates with spirit. Know and embrace the emotion. The heart will lead the mind and body. By learning to let go of certain emotions and embracing others for better choices you will always anchor the ability to fly over any circumstance where you once felt the control (the attachment) is needed. Unattach with self-love and embrace self-trust as this becomes emotional freedom that allows spirit to soar over all emotional waters.
Photo Credit: http://mrg.bz/RLHkAY© 2013 Latasha N. Woods
Seeing Through the Shadow into the (Wo)
Man in the Mirror
Facing our own truth is the only way to overcome all adversity from within and outside ourselves.
Who are we and what do we really want in this life experience?
The answer lies within our own shadow or hidden selves. There also dwells the characters that we refuse to examine or change. Once we see us for who really are we can begin to change for the better. Peel away the false illusions or facades driven by the ego and come face to face with the shadow self or (wo) man in the mirror, which allows us to see through the world into what is real and important.
Do this by acknowledging the way you interpret the world, and define your dreams and desires.
No one can change another unless they want to change. We are all responsible for our own individual change. The world naturally enfolds to the rhythm of every individual choice.
Break the barriers and surpass false limitations by embracing the truth of self through self-awareness. Once you acknowledge the truth about who you are, all the world's veils become lifted and you are the seer of all truth because it dwells in you.
How can you accomplish this?
Start by trusting your feelings and instincts and recognize not only who you are but where you are and where you really want to be. Also see the greatness in the present and know that you are always whole as an individual and that you always have the choice to be happy. Have faith that there is a blessing behind every situation and circumstance.
Finally, spend time alone away from everyday distractions and just be. What comes to mind, how do you feel, and what inspires you to your core? The answer to these questions can only be found in the real you, the shadow (wo)man in the mirror.
© 2012 Latasha N. Woods
Discovering Life Purpose
We live to make a living but we are not making a living to live at the cost of our happiness.
The search for Life Purpose begins with the discovery of Inner Truth. To find Inner Truth we must search within the essence of what brings us joy and helps others along the path.
How do we find something that is not readily visible to us? We begin by looking deeper into the every day, seemingly ordinary events. We look beyond what we would like to happen exactly.... into what makes us happy... even deeper into what makes our souls come alive and soar beyond the world's physical architects of illusion. Start to notice who you are.... I mean who you are at your core. What do you enjoy doing everyday without even getting a thought's permission to contemplate? What comes natural to you? Where are you in your life, where have you been and what are the beings (people, animals, plants) that seem to gravitate to you on a daily basis?
We may all have similar work, routines and responsibility but we are all uniquely favored in our gifts, talents and purpose. Look beyond the ordinary to derive the essence of who you are and what you came here to do.
© 2012 Latasha N. Woods
How To Apply True Beauty
Photo By sssh221
Beauty is seen more than in a glance. It goes deeper than any foundation can conceal. It reveals more than one can judge at first sight. Beauty is the unity of a sincere smile and emotional qualities of the heart. It never ages, therefore stands the test of time.
Check out my article on How to Apply True Beauty
© 2012 Latasha N. Woods
Learning the Art of Letting Go
"Don't hang in there Baby. You will always land on your feet."
Photo By Yessenia1974
In order to gain, we must give away what is no longer needed. "Nature abhors a vacuum". By letting go of what no longer works in our lives, we get closer to a higher state of self which is without regret, fear or doubt, but empowered through, faith, trust and unconditional love for self and others. There are various seasons for new people, places and opportunities to come along. Life is about choices and in making these choices we choose what we want to carry with us and what we want to leave behind. No matter the choice, the lesson is the greatest component that we gain and carry into the future.
In order to gain, we must give away what is no longer needed. "Nature abhors a vacuum". By letting go of what no longer works in our lives, we get closer to a higher state of self which is without regret, fear or doubt, but empowered through, faith, trust and unconditional love for self and others. There are various seasons for new people, places and opportunities to come along. Life is about choices and in making these choices we choose what we want to carry with us and what we want to leave behind. No matter the choice, the lesson is the greatest component that we gain and carry into the future.
Check out my article on Learning the Art of Letting Go
On Writing Therapy
Sometimes we all have to take a moment to reflect. We reflect on the past, the present and even the future. One of the most freeing ways to do this self-meditation is through writing. Go into the page without expectations and without judgment. Write what you feel and write what you know. Sometimes while doing this, we surprise ourselves with the inner wisdom that's whispered in our subconscious mind just before quieting our conscious awareness.
The great entertainer and original Catwoman, Eartha Kitt, shares her wisdom experience as a result of reflective writing.
Words of Wisdom from Eartha Kitt
"And, if you trust fate, she's wonderful."
Instead of controlling or trying to go against the hand you are dealt, you must learn to play with what you have by seeing both the advantages and disadvantages of circumstance. When you take the time to mirror the reflection of what we see as negative, the positive begins to surface. By looking through the opposite side, you can see how it fits into that perspective. This is a lesson that primes you for the strength that summons the true essence of who you are.
Instead of thinking that circumstances are working against you, know that circumstances of life are usually for the better, based on those lessons that you need to learn specifically to balance your life at that time. Trust that you are being led exactly where you need to be. Allow yourself to see it through faith.
"Don't fight the life you love to live".
These words are a divine confirmation about life purpose. It makes you realize that it is ok to want what you want and actually obtain it. You know what you want, so go for it regardless of the opposing wills of others and circumstance. Trust your intuition and know that what drives you will ultimately take you to where you really want to be. Love your life by honoring your passion.
"Keep it simple."
Some say that making life complicated is easy. When you focus on what is important you will find that those complications, just like the path of difficulty, is an unnecessary illusion. Everything is about choice and you always have the choice to make your life as simple as you like by relinquishing unnecessary baggage and worry. Keep your focus on what is important and see everything else for what it is...a temporary chapter within a bigger story.
On what's important: "My sanity. My health. My work."
Find what is important to you and make every choice for the benefit of those aspects of your life. In all cases, your peace of mind and your general mental, physical, emotional and spiritual well-being is what outweighs everything. Remember that everything has a purpose and this purpose plays a significant role in your personal development. The way you see circumstances and the way you choose to feel about yourself, will determine the fluidity of your life path. Choose to enjoy it and learn from it, no matter what you are given. Know that your expectations and perspective is the driving force behind your journey. Staying attuned to what really matters, keeps you grounded.
© 2012 Latasha Woods