Latasha Writes...

Wisdom, Inspiration, Holistic Healing, Creativity, Wellness, Creative Arts & Entertainment, Film, Fiction, Poetry, Dance, Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Travel, Truth, Beauty Love, Life and Empowerment

Born to Write

Friday, October 7, 2011

Dance Spirit

An Ode to the Spirit of Dance

I Move with the Tune
of Inspiration
A Sound Innately
Built in My Soul
My Body
The Instrument
Movements Infinite
This Body's Vocabulary
Articulating the World
Transmitting from Experience
The Spirit Calling
To Move
Dancing the Sounds
of Hip-Hop, Ballet, Modern, Jazz
The Ancients
with the Fusion
of Movements taken Elsewhere
Articulating from
Every Step
used to Flow through this
Smooth or Rough
Soft or Hard
Fast or Slow
Flowing or Stiff
I Speak All the Languages
Hoping to Contact
And Flow with the Other Spirits
Mutually or Aggressively
Together or Apart
No matter how
This is My Art
GOD-Given Dancer Spirit
Driven from the Passionate Heart

© 2011 Latasha Woods

Photo Courtesy: Sorayui