Latasha Writes...

Wisdom, Inspiration, Holistic Healing, Creativity, Wellness, Creative Arts & Entertainment, Film, Fiction, Poetry, Dance, Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Travel, Truth, Beauty Love, Life and Empowerment

Born to Write

Friday, December 2, 2011

Creative Therapy: Co-Create Your Life


"Be the change you want to see," is a very wise saying that encourages us to go about living and co-creating our lives to match our desires. By doing this we must actively create the changes that we want to see. Allow yourself to not only see this but feel it, smell it, and hear it. Apply all senses to the possibility.

Daily visualizations or day dreams can be beneficial to co-create your desired outcome. Allow yourself to play your ideal situation in your mind as if you were watching a movie. Nothing is too outrageous!

Start by speaking into existence all that you want to progress in your life. You don't necessarily have to say this to anyone but yourself. Or if you choose, tell the world the way you see your life and watch how the reality unfolds the more you talk about it. It is not delusional to speak things into existence. the more you speak it as it is, the more you allow yourself to take those active steps to breath life into the reality.

Write your goals as if they are already achieved. Mentally, this is a subconscious ritual to transform your conscious actions into the tangible reality. As you write, feel the experience in the present as if it were already so.

Imagery Art
Draw a picture. Collect a collage. Take pictures of something that you would like to have. As you journal about what you want, where you want to be and achieving your dreams in the present, bring it to life with pictures, drawing and other visuals to look at everyday.

The greatest benefits of co-creating your life through creative arts and writing therapy includes: self-discovery, healing, creativity, freedom of expression, and solutions.

Keep in mind that as we discover ourselves in every moment in the present, this is liable to change our vision for the future. Either way, change begins by showing gratitude for what is to come. We are all the co-creators of our inner and outer transformations and life evolutions.

© 2011 Latasha Woods

Photo Source: Wikimedia Commons

Monday, November 28, 2011

Creative Wellness Through The Arts & Entertainment

Creative Wellness is in every way an essential exercise in activating all aspects of ourselves so that we are in harmony with our life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. The road to wellness starts with an intention. This intention is fed to the mind by imagining a more healthier and successful accumulation of our dreams and desires. Through creative arts therapy and many forms of relaxation, we can begin to purge our inhibitions and doubts by freeing our imaginations to the possibility through visualization, writing, dance, music, drama, arts and other creative forms.

The arts & entertainment world provides us with this escape as we view the kaleidoscope of art through an outlet which speaks to our subconscious selves personified through music, film, writing, dance and other creative arts. Whether you choose to indulge in an alternate reality escape through film, video games or journaling, it all helps us to acknowledge the subconscious need for creative freedom and enjoyment. A window of creative adventure is always available, whether you are a spectator or the creator. This creativity is fed from inspiration based on what gives us joy. By creating, you give emotions, experiences and ideas a playground to roam, thus freeing us from a seemingly limited reality where all the world is a stage. As we create and explore ourselves in these ways, all is possible.

© 2011 Latasha Woods

Friday, October 7, 2011

GOD'S Poem

An Inspirational Poem Honoring GOD, The Great Spirit.

The Great Spirit
Calls Within
The Infinite Wisdom
Embodies Greatness for All
Always Forgiving
Lending Grace
As Higher Self Stands Tall
The Great Spirit
All Knowing
Summoning Us
We Hear the Call
Love & Strength
Pulling Me Closer
To Eternal Goodness 
& Enduring Faith

I Honor You Always

© 2011 Latasha Woods

Photo Courtesy: Jim Munnelly

Dance Spirit

An Ode to the Spirit of Dance

I Move with the Tune
of Inspiration
A Sound Innately
Built in My Soul
My Body
The Instrument
Movements Infinite
This Body's Vocabulary
Articulating the World
Transmitting from Experience
The Spirit Calling
To Move
Dancing the Sounds
of Hip-Hop, Ballet, Modern, Jazz
The Ancients
with the Fusion
of Movements taken Elsewhere
Articulating from
Every Step
used to Flow through this
Smooth or Rough
Soft or Hard
Fast or Slow
Flowing or Stiff
I Speak All the Languages
Hoping to Contact
And Flow with the Other Spirits
Mutually or Aggressively
Together or Apart
No matter how
This is My Art
GOD-Given Dancer Spirit
Driven from the Passionate Heart

© 2011 Latasha Woods

Photo Courtesy: Sorayui