Latasha Writes...

Wisdom, Inspiration, Holistic Healing, Creativity, Wellness, Creative Arts & Entertainment, Film, Fiction, Poetry, Dance, Psychology, Philosophy, Spirituality, Metaphysics, Travel, Truth, Beauty Love, Life and Empowerment

Born to Write

~About Latasha~

Latasha Woods is a life-inspired Writer, Certified Intuitive Counselor and Reiki Master Healer for self-empowerment. She has a passion for holistic wellness, spiritual metaphysics and the creative arts & entertainment world. She is a well-rounded creative arts professional with a foundation in fiction, film, journalism, dance, poetry, art and other creative fields. She has also studied various forms of spiritual, metaphysical and holistic healing, and she thoroughly enjoys digging deeper into the mysteries of life and of the soul. Her writing is a merging of the creative and spiritually-therapeutic aspects of life, knowing that both realms provide inspiration, healing and wisdom through the written word.

Writing is a life-long passion that I have continued to cultivate through various channels including online publishing. Some of my favorite topics include, but not limited to, arts & entertainment, film, poetry, dance, travel, holistic healing, spiritual metaphysics and creative writing. I have written many creative pieces, interviews, coverage, treatments, reviews, and news for various channels. My other work can be found on HubPages (Writer & Editor) and (Cultural Events Examiner). I have been a student of holistic and spiritual studies for many years. I continue to gain and grow in this knowledge for my own daily applications and to help others. I am also certified in various holistic healing, mental health, metaphysical practices and spiritually-based attunements for intuitive guidance.

Credentials & Certifications:
BA in Fiction Writing
MS in Psychology

Qualified Mental Health Professional (QMHP)
Certified Intuitive Counselor (CIC)

Reiki Master Healer (RMH)
 Stress Management Consultant Certified (SMC-C)

Spiritual Certifications:
7 ArchAngels
Akashic Records
Animal Empowerment
Shamanic Empowerment
Reiki Healing Levels 1,2,3

Spirit Guides

                                        Other Education:

Holistic Healing

Massage Therapy
Dream Interpretation

Why I Write
I want to influence the world with my words. I strive to inspire with all aspects of the creative force through the power of words. Through writing, I create my own worlds while articulating a deeper meaning of this world. I want to make a positive impact through the gift that The Great Spirit has blessed me with. My Writer's Voice is Infinite.
Follow me on Twitter @LatashaWrites. You may also contact me at

© 2011-2016 LATASHA N. WOODS